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Ambulatory Video EEG

Ambulatory Video EEG (Electroencephalogram) enables the interpreting neurologist to actually look at events along with associated electroencephalographic discharges. A video camera with EEG equipment is hooked up to the patient in the office. The patient than typically goes home with the equipment and goes about usual activities. Any specific events are recorded and then reviewed in detail after the patient is unhooked. Typically, this test is done in patients who are having unrecognized seizures, frequent seizures or pseudoseizures.

Learn more about Ambulatory EGG in general and how to prepare for this procedure.

Dr. Dixit is the passout specialist! He has controlled my seizures which brought about tremendous anxiety to me and my family. Now he has also solved my family’s worry about my seizures! You are super, Dr. Dixit!

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